Custom 1st Edition AD&D Character Sheet

At JADE we like our character sheets to be as comprehensive as possible and I have spent many hours searching the web for a suitable sheet that covers everything. Not just the basic stuff. I wanted to go into the advanced rules. I wanted to a place to record all of my info.

After scouring the web I found the sheet above, which came pretty close to having all I needed, but it was still missing some important information.

So I needed to make a few modifications. I first added a "weight carry" to the strength stat to the main page for a quick reference without the need to trun the apge over. I then removed the Psionic section at the bottom. I personally never use those rules so it was just wasted space. Using the room it freed up I added a larger special abilities page, a section to list your Non-Weapons Proficiencies, a section for honour and finally a spot for comeliness. Essentially I added place to record all of the advanced rules that you need to keep track of.

I find it a much more useful sheet then the standard sheet, and I highly recommend using it!

There are two other pages to the sheet as well, that I did not change, but you can of course get them here none the less!

I hope you like these sheets! If you would like to use them for yourself, save them to your desktop and enjoy!

2019 Edit: So everyone has complained that these images are too low res.

Here is a link to the first page and here is a link for everyone to view the second and third page which we did not change.

Enjoy everyone! And let me know what those comeliness scores are! For Flint, mine is a whopping 17!

Written by: Andrew Gregory

Custom 1st Edition AD&D Character Sheet Custom 1st Edition AD&D Character Sheet Reviewed by JADE Gaming on 11/19/2015 01:30:00 am Rating: 5


  1. Replies
    1. did you manage to release a PDF of this yet?

    2. Well, it does take me a while to get around to things however... Here you go!

  2. Thanks. I really LOVE the sheet but it loses quality when blown up to print size.

  3. Hey friend, any chance on a higher quality pic?

  4. Picture isnt high enough quality to print.
    any chance of a higher quality one

  5. Hmmm I will see if can upload a higher res one when I get a chance!

  6. This is great thank you so much!

  7. Thank you so much—this is the best 1st edition D&D character sheet I've come across! Would you share the layout file in its original format as well? I'd like to adjust the sheet to account for the Oriental adventures fields.
