Nikki's 15mm Giant Snake

It has been a while since JADE's friend Nikki painted a mini, and she was feeling like it was time to pick up the brush again. The problem was that most of my minis I have for other people to paint are in 28mmm and since I was switching over to 15mm, it would mean that almost anything she painted would sit off to the side; only to be rarely used.

And that was when I remembered that I had this snake from RAFM's Call of Cthulhu Amazon set. After a quick check of the rules I realised that it could easily be used as a 15mm Giant Snake! With its purpose realised, it was ready to be painted.

She spent a while looking up patterns on different snakes, and figuring out how to match the pigmentation changes in their skin from back to belly. I think that the research really paid off. It is always a good idea to look up so reference, or at least inspiration for your painting. It will make you minis more life-like

The irregularity of the patches really gives the skin an organic feel, and I love the brightness of the orange. The colours makes it look tiger like and very deadly.

I am really looking forward to using this great mini in game. Even just playing around with this final picture was a ton of fun, and I am looking forward to battling it myself!

Written by: Andrew Gregory
Nikki's 15mm Giant Snake Nikki's 15mm Giant Snake Reviewed by JADE Gaming on 11/22/2015 01:00:00 pm Rating: 5

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