In Interstellar Exports Game 4, Captain Dry went looking for a new pilot for his ship. He encountered Zeila Dakdon in a bar on Vandoor III, Learned of her credentials, and hired her as his ship's pilot.
The mini is from RAFM's 15mm Sci-Fi range, which of course uses some of the original molds from GDW's Traveller Minis released back in the 80's.
Zeila Dakdon, is an experienced pilot who can fly just about anything. She has worked as a cargo pilot, a freighter, and rumour has it she used to pilot racing craft.
Being an NPC member of Dry's crew means that Zeila Dakdon is part of Interstellar Exports' B-Cast. Just like Transporter Chief Miles O'Brien in TNG, or Lt. Kevin Riley in TOS, you will see them around, but not in every episode.
Written by: Andrew Gregory
Zeila Dakdon
Reviewed by JADE Gaming
3/18/2015 02:07:00 pm

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