In Games Workshop's Battlefleet Gothic: Armada supplement they introduced three new types of Imperial Light Cruisers: the Endeavour Class, the Endurance Class, and the Defiant Class or if you prefer the blanketing Voss Pattern Light Cruiser. Shortly after that, the model for these ships was lost, or destroyed or something along those lines, and they became somewhat of a rarity.
With the boom in 3D printing we have seen in the last few years, the community has stepped up and created their own versions of these models. This particular mini is an Endeavour Class Light Cruiser is from Black Water Miniature's. You can find them on Ebay.
I still haven't used it in a fight yet, but I absolutely love how this mini looks. The skinny profile, the small wings on the side, and of course that curved prow.
I hope to have it out among the stars soon!
Written by: Andrew Gregory
BattleFleet Gothic Imperial Endeavour Class Light Cruiser
Reviewed by JADE Gaming
3/09/2015 01:21:00 pm
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