The Chaos Repulsive Class Grand Cruisers from Games Workshop's Battlefleet Gothic, is a pretty intimidation looking vessel.

Being about 60-70pts more than your standard chaos cruiser, the Repulsive class cruisers have better armament, and more Hull Points.
Like all (most) chaos ships, the Repulsive Class Cruisers were once imperial vessels. However, a flaw in the ship's design meant that their crews were very susceptible to the corrupting power of the warp, and most of these vessels rebelled during the Horus Heresy. As a result the Imperium of man, stopped using them.
So, the Repulsive Class Grand cruisers, look a little archaic in comparison to other ships. I personally really like the fin that hangs underneath.
I have heard some mixed things about the Repulsive Class Grand Cruisers: they are too expensive, they are not powerful enough. On the other hand, some people use them as cheap replacements for battleships.
I actually have never gotten around to using it on the table, so I will let you guys know what I think.
Written by: Andrew Gregory
Battlefleet Gothic Chaos Repulsive Class Grand Cruiser
Reviewed by JADE Gaming
3/27/2015 08:36:00 am

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