I have always loved the look of the Imperial Cobra Class Destroyers from Games Workshop's Battlefleet Gothic. I am not sure what it is, they just look cool sleek and small... despite the fact that to scale they are about 1km long!
I didn't do anything fancy for the colour scheme. I just wanted it to match the rest of the fleet, so I used the same colours as my cruisers, and painted the prows white to match.
I have been very impressed with this vessels in combat, especially the torpedoes. I find that the combined strength of their ordnance is capable of punching through some serious lines of fire.
That said, they are only escorts, and like all escorts, they go down hard. Usually only a couple survive each fight if any. But I consider those that do honoured heroes of the empire
Written by: Andrew Gregory
Battlefleet Gothic:: Imperial Cobra Class Destroyers
Reviewed by JADE Gaming
3/11/2015 10:58:00 am

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