The final ships of my Relictor Space Marine fleet is complete! These seven Hunter Class Destroyers were the last pieces for my 850pt fleet, and the last of the 3D printed ships. Well, at least the last that I needed finish.
Hunter Class Destroyers are the smallest escort available to the Space marines. While technically they can field cobra class destroyers, these are the only strictly Space Marine Faction destroyers in the game.
These are yet another group of ships that I have never had our on the table. As such I am Really looking forward to seeing how they are. I think the model is great and fits in with the rest of the Space Marine style perfectly, so we will see if they stack up.
And here is the whole fleet! I think it should be a good match for both my Plague Fleet and my Eldar Fleet. But only time will tell and this battle is finally ready to go!
Written by: Andrew Gregory
Battlefleet Gothic: Relictor Space Marine Hunter Class Destroyers
Reviewed by JADE Gaming
12/05/2018 02:05:00 pm

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