At first I really didn't like this 15mm Giant Spider from Splintered Light Miniatures. I thought it was really goofy. But hey, it came in one of their dungeon sets and a Giant Spider mini is a Giant Spider mini. So I let it slide, bought the set of minis and painted it up a few days ago.
My Cousin Adam told me that there might be a chance of encountering a giant spider in Hymns of a Vagabond, so I brought him out on the table for that game last night (09/02/16), and Adam started snickering, but I didn't know why. I just thought he agreed with me that the spider was really goofy.
But That wasn't what he was laughing out, and he waited until I actually encountered and fought the creature to show me this from the 1st ed AD&D Monster Manual:
That image can be found on page 91 of the 1st ed AD&D monster Manual, And now you know exactly why they made the giant spider so goofy looking. It was straight out of the book!
Akelius Flint (shown) has already stood up against a Giant Spider. However, rather then running, He and his party stayed, and fought the beast; neither succumbing to its fangs or its poison. One of the luckiest fights I have ever been in.
Written by: Andrew Gregory
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