Dave really likes to go all out with his Central powers planes. He always uses a complicated pattern as a testament to those German Aces that decorated their palnes in outrageous patterns!
One Dave's favourite planes, the Albatross DV, is painted in red camo, with a distinctive skull and crossbones replacing the left Iron Crosses.
His black and white Roland D2 with a skull and crossbones on the side is probably one of his least favorite planes, as he dies in it every time. But still looks great!
Dave's Captured SE5, was awarded to him (as a Central powers plane choice) when one of his pilots escaped capture and managed to survive the chase with the plane in tact! Here we see it painted in a black and white checker with iron crosses on the wings.
Dave's Central Power's Planes
Reviewed by JADE Gaming
9/16/2014 01:39:00 pm
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