The first Dystopian Wars fleet I got was the Federate States of America. And while some people feel that they are a tad over styled, or over stating their "steam-punkness", I fell in love with those big ol' water wheels.
The Federate State of America's Independence Class Battleship is truly a mouthful to say and force to behold. The America's don't do anything special in Dystopian Wars, but they do have really big, really powerful cannons. they also back that up with great armour, and average speed. Making them a deadly enemy at any range.
I equipped my battleship with a shield generator, replacing the usual rocket battery. For a long time this battleship proved to be unsinkable, surviving and winning many games until Elijah finally sunk it using a well co-ordinated strike from his League of Italian States Fleet. If you are in to raw power then an FAS fleet is right for you!
Federated States of America Independence Class Battleship
Reviewed by JADE Gaming
8/19/2014 02:52:00 pm

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