Oathbreaker. A man without honour. Seventeen years after he plunges his
sword deep into the back of Aerys Targaryen - climatically dousing the
Mad King's brutal reign of fire –
the titles which scar Jaime Lannister echo all across Westeros and
beyond. But by what right does the wolf judge the lion? To this man
consumed by a fierce desire for personal freedom, the opinions of others
do little to pierce through his golden-red Lannister
armour; the only real protection for the Kingslayer's conflicted heart.
his core, Jaime Lannister's soul is filled with chaos. Engaging in a
torridly incestuous love affair with his twin sister Cersei from an
early age (and fathering her three 'Baratheon' children)
enslaves him to the carnal lust he shares with the queen. Eventually,
his twisted sister/lover fosters a bitter sense of neutrality in the
Kingslayer, as he witnesses the sadistic acts she commits when she gains
- and desperately grips at - total and undisputed
once whispers to Cersei that he will kill every last person it takes
for the twins to be together. This pledge remains bound in blood right
up until the Lannister army sacks Highgarden
- eliminating the treasonous House Tyrell. The defeated Queen of Thorns
hears it all as Jaime eventually confesses that while Cersei may well
be the end of him, when she has won the savage war for Westeros, the
survivors will care not how the new world was
built. The Kingslayer is called many things. JADE is calling him Chaotic Neutral. Here's why:
– A Lannister is an individualist before anything else: Jaime does not
strive to protect others' freedom or values. As the 7 Kingdom's
deadliest fighter (prior to losing his
hand), he respects not authority - only skill. By putting his needs
ahead of the state's, the oath-breaking Lannister looks only to advance
his own self-interest - even if it means jeopardizing the integrity of
the royal bloodline. (Perhaps the main reason
why he abides by the despicable behaviour of his bastard son Joffrey.)
This sentiment is even echoed by a captive Jaime to his cousin Alton
(just before he murders him to escape Robb Stark's clutches) when the
Kingslayer laments how his life is uniquely unfit
for constraint.
very nature of the twin's lurid - and desperately secret - love affair
serves as a direct challenge to the supreme authority the Hand of the
King Tywin Lannister wields prior to his shocking
death. With Jaime (as Tywin's prized heir) forsaking his right to
Casterly Rock and joining the Kingsguard - to continue his ongoing tryst
with Cersei in King's Landing - what's ultimately demonstrated is a
whimsical devotion to his own liberty. The Kingslayer
has intense resentment for the harsh restrictions imposed by Lord Tywin
- whose own fanatical obsession with tradition appears little more than
a death-trap to his first son.
– When seeking to eliminate authority in society, Chaotic Neutral can
be a dangerous alignment. Gaining the motivation to cross such such a
threshold however, is a matter
unto itself. Jaime Lannister embodies brinksmanship like no other: He
assassinates the Mad King only after being ordered to attack and kill
his own father during the Sack of King's Landing - remaining a fully
loyal Kingsguard up until that point. He plays
his brother Tyrion by sacrificing his keep at Casterly Rock to the
Unsullied, so that the Lannister army can divert south to surprise
attack the Tyrell's - and crush them.
disrupt their loose sense of liberty and social order, CN personalities
must be desperate: Either compelled to liberate others, or driven to
inflict vengeful suffering upon their enemies.
Otherwise, the chaotic neutral alignment remains detached from anything
that isn't complementing an arrogant pursuit of self-gratification.
When Jaime describes his dead opponents as being not but sacks of meat
and blood - held together by bone - his world
view cements itself: There is no real order to anything; and it's only
his passion which fuels the deadly swing of his Valyrian sword.
Survival –
The Kingslayer's neutrality endures because it has to. As the ultimate
con man, he can watch Robert Baratheon raise his three illegitimate
children, knowing death awaits him should he ever intervene. This
powerful survival instinct persists when Jaime shockingly
pushes Bran Stark from atop a Winterfell tower - proving he is not
above murdering an unarmed foe if he feels it necessary to preserve his
own freedom. A chaotic neutral character may be unforeseeable, but their
actions are never totally random.
finally drives Jaime away from Cersei is her lust for power: ignoring
the deadly threat of the approaching White Walkers, and breaking a truce
to continue the vengeful war against the
invading Daenerys Targaryen. His self-interest and survival instinct
feed off each other, to the point where the Kingslayer now rides north
to aid former enemy Jon Snow against the coming White Walker onslaught.
With perspective gained from the loss of his
fighting hand, his admiration for his lawful former captor Brienne of
Tarth, and the dramatic call to action to combat a looming apocalypse,
Jaime's will to live has never been stronger.
this point in the Game of Thrones, the current Lannister patriarch easily
remains one of the most dynamic players in the series. Though he seems
to be leaning toward helping the good guys -
after refuting his incestuous love as his main driving force - he could
just as easily switch allegiances at the swing of a sword should it
suit him. This is what keeps Jamie Lannister so engaging: You can't
predict what he's going to do. One could say his
arc is at a truly neutral point, as he serves no king or queen - only
himself. And yet, it's the chaos in the Kingslayer's soul which endures
above all. With his crimes and losses equally great, does only a monster
remain? A Lannister always pays his debts.
Valar Morghulis.
Written by: Jeff Clive
Image Sources:
Written by: Jeff Clive
Image Sources:
Detect Alignment: Jaimie Lannister
Reviewed by JADE Gaming
4/10/2019 10:48:00 am

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