Wednesday 24 October 2018

Battlefleet Gothic: Plague Fleet Infidel Class Raiders

Just like my Idolator Class Raiders, these Infidel Class Raiders are also from Shapeways... and like the Idolators I can no longer find the model online.

However these 3d printed "counts-as" Infidel Class Raiders are perfect for my Plague Fleet.

Featuring batteries and torpedoes the Infidel class raiders do not pack much of a punch, but rather swarm like insects and line up for coordinated torpedo strikes.

In the past I have never really fielded much in the way of Infidel class raiders preferring instead to use the heavier Apostate Raiders instead. However at 50pts/ship the Apostates are expensive and just not that much more powerful.

I will see how they preform in game, but honestly I doubt that I have enough of them to really make a difference. 

I am Still trying to figure out what the best balance of escorts to cruisers and I suspect that the 850pt fleets I am making are a little too heavy on the Escort side, but we will see.

And so my Plague Fleet grows! Can't wait to get these guys out and into a battle!

Written by: Andrew Gregory

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